The question “Artificial intelligence: dystopia or utopia?” dominated the discussions at SEMANTiCS 2024 in Amsterdam, which took place from September 17 to 19. The event is one of the leading international conferences for semantic technologies.
Due to a large-scale power outage on the entire north campus of the KIT, where FIZ Karlsruhe is located, the availability of our services has been impaired since Tuesday night.
Today, Sunday, is the International Day of Democracy: a day of remembrance initiated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007 with the aim of promoting and defending the principles of democracy.
In the last week of August, the 34th European Crystallographic Meeting, the most important European conference in the field of crystallography, was held in Padua, Italy.
This year's SIGIR (Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval) conference, one of the leading events in the field of Information Retrieval organized by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), once again took place with a strong FIZ presence.
The Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference held in Brussels in May 2024 brought together experts from various fields to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on data protection and privacy.
This is new: for the first time, a federal state is relying on RADAR to make its research data available centrally and sustainably in a cross-university network.
Many German museums and archives contain ethnological, natural history, historical, art and cultural objects from formal colonial rule and from areas where informal colonial structures prevailed.