1 - 7 of 7 results.
  • BeneFIZe – 17.09.2015
    … Keeping an invention secret Thus sang Rumpelstiltskin triumphantly and thought he was safe. And many an inventor might sing the same song, for he, too, prefers to keep his ideas secret … he can obtain exclusive patent protection himself and thus legally market the innovation. The original inventor will go …
  • Introduction to FIZ PatMon 1. Introductory Session   HTML5 Video is required for this example. Download the video file.   Download the presentation 2. Quick Start Tutorial 2.1: Monitor all Legal Status HTML5 Video is required for this example. …
  • … Terms and Conditions CAS STNext® STN Information Keep and Share Program ICSD (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database) CAS IP Services (EMEA) zbMATH FIZ PatMon … CAS STNext® STN Information Keep and Share Program ICSD (Inorganic Crystal …
  • Research IGR – 10.03.2021
    … Digital Kitchen by SaxFDM: legal reliability in research data management – ideas for a common concern In the Digital Kitchen of Saxon research data initiative SaxFDM Thomas Hartmann …
  • FIZ News – 07.02.2019
    … German Copyright Day 2019 Am 26. März 2019 findet der diesjährige Informationstag zu Copyright … Kooperation von RightsDirect und FIZ Karlsruhe statt. Das Thema lautet: „Urheberrecht im digitalen Zeitalter – … Unternehmen mit dem Thema Urheberrecht um? Wie kann ich legal und fair agieren und mich mit der Sammellizenz der VG …
  • BeneFIZe – 16.02.2015
    … Defensive Publication The best defense is a good offense! This sounds quite … are manifold strategies to sustainably protect a company’s inventions. Besides the traditional method of applying for a … Unternehmen akzeptieren, dass andere seine Idee auf legale Weise kopieren oder nachahmen. … Welche Vorteile …
  • … for Information Infrastructure and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),   Institute of Applied Informatics and … Rome, Italy (2017-2019) with Prof. Dr. Aldo Gangemi . The focus of her research is to apply or develop Data … co-located with the 30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2017 ), …